Speech at Panel on Economic Development

Amendments to the Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations (Cap. 448B)

Manpower establishment and scope of work of the independent investigation authority

Mr CHAN Chun-ying supported the broad direction that the civil aviation accident investigations should be conducted by an authority independent from CAD. He considered it essential for such authority to focus its work on safety management and accident prevention. In this regard, he urged the Administration to specify these responsibilities explicitly in the job description of the proposed CIA post. He also enquired about the justification for establishing such post for only three years instead of a permanent one for the purpose of meeting the ICAO’s requirement.

STH said that the Government attached high importance to safety management and accident prevention which would be listed as part of the key responsibilities of the independent investigation authority. The Administration would consider how to better reflect these responsibilities in the job description of the CIA post. STH also stressed that the independent investigation authority would be a permanent body so as to comply with ICAO’s requirements. In order to allow flexibility for the Government to review whether the manpower establishment of the authority would suit the actual operational needs, the CIA post would initially be established for three years on non-civil service terms.