Speech at Panel on Security

Police’s handling of explosive objects and matters requiring public attention

Education of members of the public and the construction industry on how to handle suspicious explosive objects

Referring to paragraph 16 of the Administration’s paper, Mr CHAN Chun-ying said that a member of the public who found a suspected explosive object would normally report the matter to the Police immediately with a mobile phone. He considered that the Administration should remind members of the public not to use mobile phone within 25 metres of the object. SBDO responded that a person who identified a suspected explosive object should leave the scene and keep away from it at a distance of at least 25 metres before using a mobile phone to report the matter to the Police.

Other issues

Mr CHAN Chun-ying sought information on the countries from which the Police’s bomb disposal equipment was procured. SBDO responded that the Police’s bomb disposal equipment was proven product procured from the UK and the United States of America.