Supplementary Question on Legislative Council Meeting – Prevent Leakage of Confidential Information of the Independent Commission Against Corruption

MR CHAN CHUN-YING (in Cantonese):

Deputy President, first, I must declare that I am a member of the ICAC Operations Review Committee and the ICAC Witness Protection Review Board. The Government says in the main reply that ICAC seeks to prevent the leakage of internal confidential information mainly by enhancing staff training and issuing internal guidelines. ICAC has established an internal investigation and monitoring mechanism, but I believe outsiders do not know much about this. Can I therefore ask the Acting Chief Secretary for Administration to tell us whether ICAC can automatically activate its internal investigation procedure in case any ICAC staff are suspected of any improper disclosure of confidential information? Or, must ICAC wait until it receives a complaint? It has been said that there was no prosecution. But can we know whether ICAC has ever activated the investigation procedure? How was the situation in the past few years?



Deputy President, I thank the Honourable Member for the question. If the Member wishes to obtain the relevant information, the department concerned can provide supplementary information if necessary. In principle, ICAC will take actions in 3078 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ― 29 November 2017 case there is any complaint. And, even if no complaint is received, ICAC will still take actions in case anyone is suspected of contravening the ordinance concerned and there is relevant evidence.