Supplementary Question on Legislative Council Meeting Q6 – Measures to attract and nurture talents

Q6 – Measures to attract and nurture talents

MR CHAN CHUN-YING (in Cantonese):

Deputy President, the Government mentioned that immigration facilitation is provided under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme in the reply to part (3) of Dr QUAT’s main question regarding more proactive talent admission policies. Yet, I have not seen the Government implementing other complementary measures, such as housing, which are equally important. The Shenzhen Government has recently promulgated the “Implementation Plan 2018 of the Shenzhen Municipality for Planning on Residential Housing Construction” (深圳市住房建設規劃2018年度實施計 劃) and the “Implementation Plan 2018 of the Shenzhen Municipality for Urban Development and Land Utilization” (深圳市2018年度城市建設與土地利用 實施計 劃), setting out clear objectives which include providing more than 110 000 housing units in total for newly-admitted talents. It is clearly stated in the housing policy of the Shenzhen Government that resource allocation will be further tilted to the settlement of talents. Can the Secretary tell us whether the Government will draw reference from the practice of other authorities which are competing for talents with Hong Kong (including the Shenzhen Government) to devise a suitable housing policy for talent admission so as to attract professionals to work in Hong Kong?

DEPUTY PRESIDENT (in Cantonese):

As only three Members have raised supplementary questions on this question so far, may I ask public officers to make their replies as concise as possible. Chief Secretary for Administration, please.


Right, I will make a brief reply. I thank Mr CHAN for his supplementary question. While we do not have more proactive plans at this stage, such as providing cash and accommodation, we have taken them into consideration. For instance, on the front of I&T, a building is now being constructed in the Science Park with the aim of providing small residential units for I&T talents in the future. Being conveniently located, it can be regarded as subsidized housing since low rents will be charged. This is also an initiative to take a step forward. From time to time, we would keep in view measures suitable for implementation in the local context of Hong Kong. We will definitely follow up and implement them earnestly.