Speech at Council Meeting-Q5 Permits for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao

(Q5): Permits for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao

Mr Chan Chun-ying: Thank you, President.  It is stated in the main reply that with the integration of Hong Kong into the overall development of the country, there is a possibility that OWP holders settling in Hong Kong may return to live in the Mainland.  But as far as I understand it, OWP holders already cancelled their household registrations in the Mainland before coming to Hong Kong.  May I ask in what capacity they return to the Mainland?  If they return to live and work in the Mainland, will their eligibility for permanent right of abode in Hong Kong be affected?  Thank you.

SECRETARY FOR SECURITY: Hong Kong identity cards are issued to OWP holders upon their arrival in Hong Kong.  When OWP holders return to the Mainland, they do so in the capacity of Hong Kong residents using the Home Return Permits issued by Mainland authorities.