Speech at Panel on Commerce and Industry

Policy on re-industrialization and the latest development of the industrial estates and Hong Kong Science Park

Efficient use of existing Industrial Estate sites

Whilst expressing support for the Administration’s policy direction of promoting re-industrialization, Mr CHAN Chun-ying was keen to ensure that the sites allocated for relevant developments would not turn out to be real estate projects, which would attract wide criticism.

S for IT assured members that the sites that had been identified for I&T developments would be designated for research and development (“R&D”) or IE uses only, and no real estate projects would be developed on these sites.

Noting that HKSTPC had tightened control and monitoring against under-utilization and abuse of facilities in IEs by carrying out on-site inspections and requiring tenants to submit business updates every three years under the new lease terms, and that tenants would be given an option to renew the lease subject to no breach of lease conditions, Mr CHAN Chun-ying enquired about the assessment criteria adopted by HKSTPC in determining whether the tenants had made efficient use of the IE sites. CEO(HKSTPC) responded that inspections of the tenants’ operation would be conducted periodically in IEs. In respect of HKSP, HKSTPC would conduct two interviews with tenants every year to keep a close watch on whether they had met the relevant requirements. For instance, the tenants were required to demonstrate that over 50% of their staff were engaged in R&D work. Currently, HKSP had a working population of about 13 000, of whom over 9 000 were R&D personnel.

Enriching the industrial chain of the innovation and technology industry

Referring to HKSTPC’s plan to identify suitable premises from surrendered factories and refurbish them for leasing to the technology industry, Mr CHAN Chun-ying enquired whether HKSTPC would also encourage industries relevant to a particular industrial chain to apply for admission to IEs and accommodate relevant upstream and downstream enterprises under one roof.