Speech at Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting

Participation by the private sector

Mr CHAN Chun-ying noted that under the Administration’s proposal, technical provisions and application programming interfaces (“API”) would be introduced to support future services to be provided by public and private organizations. Mr CHAN asked whether the Administration would involve certain industries or companies to participate in the design and development of APIs in order to speed up the launch of services. He also said that the Administration should also earmark enough resources for the promotion of eID systems.

In response to Mr CHAN Chun-ying’s comments, S for IT said that the success of eID would hinge on the active participation by the business sector in developing applications that made use of eID in accessing services. He said that the Administration was examining the detailed arrangements in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders. GCIO supplemented that in addition to Government departments, the Administration was also discussing with other public organizations on the introduction of more services utilizing eID system. These services could include the patient portal of the Hospital Authority, and the “Know-your-customer Utility” of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”).