Speech at Panel on Security

An update on the implementation of post-dispatch advice by the Fire Services Department

Other issues

Mr CHAN Chun-ying commended the provision of PDA by FSD. He asked whether there was an age requirement for EAS callers to follow PDA provided by the call-taker, and suggested that life-saving skills should be taught in primary and secondary schools. MD(PDA)/FSD stressed that basically anyone could follow PDA and be a rescuer. To build up students’ capabilities in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automated external defibrillators, AD(HQ)/FSD added that some 3 470 and 4 670 secondary school students had undergone “Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Programme in Campus” offered by FSD in 2017 and 2018 respectively.



Next generation electronic passport

Application and collection of the Next Generation Electronic Passport

Given that the territory-wide identity card (“ID card”) replacement exercise was in progress and the launch of electronic identity (“eID”) by the Innovation and Technology Bureau in mid-2020, Mr CHAN Chun-ying asked whether one-stop-service would be provided for eligible persons to apply for the new ID card, eID and new e-Passport concurrently.

US for S said that the Administration recognized the importance of providing convenience to the public for the application of various new identity documents. ImmD had considered allowing members of the public to replace ID card and apply for new e-Passport in one go, but did not find it particularly meritorious. AD(IS)/ImmD added that there was no need for holders of existing passport to apply for new e-Passport before the expiry of their current passports. Hence, existing passport holders’ application of new e-Passport might not tie in with the specified period for replacement of their ID cards under the call-up programme. Hence, ImmD did not provide for replacing ID card and applying new e-Passport in one go at present. Nevertheless, ImmD would consider providing one-stop-service for persons who needed to register new ID card and did not have passport to apply for both documents in one go in future. Given that a six-month passport validity period was normally required for entry of a country, eligible persons could apply for new e-Passports a bit earlier before the expiry of their current passports. Applications made much earlier before the expiry date would be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Security features

Mr CHAN Chun-ying sought information on the quality of the visa page of the new e-Passport. AD(IS)/ImmD responded that the paper for the visa page was selected having regard to its security features and durability, and a balance between the two factors had been struck.