Supplementary Question on Legislative Council Meeting – Q4 Air-conditioning system of Tai Wai Market


Q4 Air-conditioning system of Tai Wai Market

MR CHAN CHUN-YING (in Cantonese):

President, the main reply shows that the air-conditioning system of the Market has broken down several times and there have been complaints about insufficient air-conditioning, which will definitely discourage kaifongs in the district from entering the Market for shopping, thus indirectly affecting the business of the tenants. May I ask whether FEHD will consider granting rent waivers to the tenants or even reviewing the rental of the Market to alleviate their pressure? If not, what assistance or compensation will be offered to the tenants with difficulties, such as those selling frozen meat or being affected as mentioned by Ms YUNG Hoi-yan just now?


President, I would like to thank Mr CHAN for his supplementary question. In view of the special circumstances of the Market air-conditioning installation project, and having regard to the interests of the tenants and the public, as well as the principle of ensuring the best use of public money, the Government has granted the Market tenants a waiver equivalent to 15 months’ rent, including a rent waiver for three months and a waiver of air-conditioning charges for 12 months upon resumption of business, as well as enhanced concessionary arrangements. The air-conditioning charges for the Market tenants are still being waived at this point in time.

If individual tenants of the Market consider that the food they are selling is affected, their stall locations are particularly hot or there are other similar problems, FEHD will respond proactively and examine how such problems can be resolved. As I have said in the main reply earlier, we have worked with ArchSD to look into the situation and have installed air curtains, but those air curtains and ceiling fans are sometimes switched off, so we would like to remind Members to pay attention to the overall situation. Nevertheless, we will communicate closely with the tenants and if they have any problems, FEHD will certainly respond in a proactive manner.